March 17, 2020
“The thought of my affliction is wormwood and gall! My soul continually thinks of it and is bowed down within me. But this I call to mind, and therefore I have HOPE: the steadfast love of God never ceases. God’s mercies never come to an end; God’s mercies are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.
The Lord is my portion, says my soul, therefore I will have hope.” Lamentations 3:19-24.
March 17, 2020
Dear Ones,
Being pastor of a church during this time of pandemic is unchartered territory and I have felt at a loss of how to do ministry when we are not able to meet physically together. I did not want to have to cancel in person meetings, but that decision has been made for us by Public Health guidelines and the guidance of our California Nevada Conference Bishop Minerva Carcaño. For at least the next two Sundays, March 22 and 29, we will not have a congregation in the sanctuary at 9:30. Our worship team will assemble and we will conduct a service that will be viewable on Eureka First United Methodist Church’s Facebook page. We will work to make a recording of that available to you on our church webpage as well. For those of you without access to Facebook or who would prefer a different way of experiencing worship I will be preparing a resource for in home worship. That resource will be sent out to everyone on our email list, but if you prefer to receive it in print, please call the church office (707) 442-3015 so that we can mail it to you. We will also not be conducting in person study groups or meetings. I am working on holding the Screwtape Letters study groups via Zoom for those with online access. Our Office Manager Gary Quintrell and I are working hard to keep us all connected via phone, mail and email. Though there is frustration and sadness in not being able to physically meet together there are many ways that we can and must stay connected to God and one another including:
- Pray
- Read scripture
- Continue or begin a Lenten discipline
- Play and/or sing worship music
- Keep informed by the news, but moderate your attention to it
- Telephone one another
- Let the church office know of any needs you or others may have
- Maintain your financial support of the church – our expenses continue
- Spend time outside in nature – it’s the healthiest place to be!
- Pray
In Love,
Pastor Kathryn Dunning
P.S I am delighted that Bishop Carcaño will appoint Rebecca Irelan to be your new pastor on July 1, 2020. Pastor Rebecca will love you and you will love her!