Eureka First United Methodist Church

Open Minds. Open Hearts. Open Doors

Open Minds. Open Hearts. Open Doors.

Worship this week

This Sunday, December 19th, we will have an in-person Worship. The doors will be open prior to the service which begins at 10:00 a.m. Please bring your mask and follow our ushers directions for social distancing. We will continue offering the service livestreamed on the church Facebook Page; “Eureka First United Methodist Church”. You may find the links to our service by visiting our website, Pastor Rebecca’s message is titled “Love Actually Actual”.

Also, this Sunday we will be assembling plates of cookies to be delivered to our members who cannot get out as much as they use to. If you can provide some cookies, please bring them to Sunday services on the 19th. If you can help deliver some cookies, please come to the service and let Pastor Rebecca know you can help.

On December 24th, we will have two Christmas Eve Candlelight services. The first service will begin at 3:30 p.m. and the second at 7:00 p.m. Space will be limited so please arrive early and please bring your mask. If you plan to attend one of the services, could you let the office know so that we can better plan for the seating.